Chess in Schools and Communities

Join Our Online Chess Club

Fancy a game of online chess? Then why not sign up to Lancaster’s online chess club. As you would expect it is also called “Lancaster Chess Club”. You can log on to join at this link. . We will be hosting online events, daily games, and offering a forum to discuss various topics. You will have to send an invite to join the club, just put your name and a sentence about yourself for example “Joe Bloggs, Live in Garstang and love chess!” and one of the administrators will accept you onto the club. All are welcome to join, beginners through to experts, club affiliation is not needed but we encourage those who do join our site to also come to the club or the library sessions if you can.

Chess in Secondary Schools

James is a local schoolteacher and one of our club’s strongest players. He runs our chess in schools programme. Every Tuesday he hosts a half hour coaching and training session for our under 18 members. He is also reaching out to encourage chess playing in local secondary schools including setting up school chess clubs and arranging competitions between youngsters.

Chess in Primary Schools

Lancaster Chess Club also has strong links with the National Charity Chess in Schools and Communities who provide curriculum and tutors for primary schools. You can find more about the charity on their website Tutoring is available through Callum Woods who is a CSC qualified chess tutor. Primary schools who are interested in chess tutoring for their pupils should contact CSC via their website who will ask for information about your requirements and then put you in touch with our Secretary, who is also Regional Organiser for CSC across Lancashire.

Chess in our community

Anto is a senior lecturer at Lancaster University and runs our chess in communities programme. He hosts this every Saturday at Lancaster Library from 10am until noon. The library has plenty of sets and boards. So no need to bring your own. This is a free drop in service although we also have some regulars who turn up most Saturdays. All ages are welcome. The focus is on friendly games and Anto also provides training for those who want it. He is one of our club’s strongest players and sometimes gives simultaneous displays playing many opponents at the same time.